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Connecting Countr to WooCommerce

Learn how to set up Countr with your WooCommerce shops in 5 easy steps.

John avatar
Written by John
Updated over 6 years ago

Connecting your WooCommerce store to Countr will take you about 15 minutes in total and can be done in a few easy steps. Once you've followed the steps in this article, you will have imported your existing WooCommerce products and customers into your POS app and have set up order sync. 

Step 1: Enable REST API

Sign in to the Admin Dashboard of your WooCommerce store. Go to WooCommerce>Settings>General>APIs and enable the Enable Rest API checkbox.
Scroll down and save the changes

In case you are unable find it you can click here to to find out how to enable the REST API

Step 2: generate API key and secret

The WooCommerce REST API works on a key system to control access. These keys are linked to WordPress users on your website. To create keys for a specific WordPress user, go to WooCommerce > Settings > General > APIs > Key/Apps > Add key

Please fill the description, choose the user, and select 'Read/Write' on the permissions drop down menu. When you finish, click "Generate API key' button.

Now that the keys have been generated, you should see your Consumer key, Consumer secret, and a QRcode. Copy your consumer key and secret to your clipboard, you will need them later on in the process.

Visit Settings > Permalinks. Please change permalink settings from 'Default' to another setting such as 'Post name' and save your changes. Default permalinks will not work.

Step 4: Enter the details in your Countr dashboard

Log in to your Online Dashboard and on the left side menu, click Account > Integration

Select the WooCommerce integration and you will see 3 fields. Please fill out:

  • Your consumer key The one you generated in Step 2 

  • Your consumer secret The one you generated in Step 2

  • The URL of your Woo shop Fill the URL of the Woo shop you want us to connect to (please include the http:// or https://)     

Once you are done, hit 'Save'. Now please refresh your browser.

Congratulations! All your products on WooCommerce will be synced automatically to your Countr dashboard. If you have any questions about this, please send us a message at

Step 5: Connect customers (Optional)
Do you want to create customers in Countr and sync them too WooCommerce?  Go to WooCommerce>Settings>Account>Account Creation> and tick the last  2 tick boxes to (1) Automatically generate a username and (2) Automatically generate a password. 

Customers created in Countr will now appear with their profile instead of appearing as a guest. 

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